Once you graduate from college or start to look for a new job, you need to be able to know how to effectively reach out and respond to job recruiters in a way that will make you seem like the better candidate when compared to others. You also need to know how to build a good relationship with the recruiter for future references.
You must also know how to effectively follow up with a job recruiter in a way that won’t make you seem desperate, but very determined. When you show determination, this conveys to the recruiter that you would do what it takes to perform the job well in order to keep the position. You must remember that job recruiters are looking for people that are going to be the best fit for the company.
If you really want to get the job, you need to go above and beyond the call of duty to secure your position. In order to increase your chances of success, you must be willing to do more than the next person. This article will give you some key things that will help you know how to reach out to job recruiters, respond to their invitations, and follow up with them when you haven’t heard anything from them.
Reaching Out
Helping to reach, respond and follow up with recruitment officials.
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Places to reach out to job recruiters
- Job Fairs – This is one of the best places to start your job search. You can find out about job fairs online and attend then anywhere in your area. You want to make sure that the job fair will have job offerings in your field of interest. Here are some online resources you can use to look for jobs fairs in your area: National Career Fairs,
- Networking – If you attended a college or university, you can ask about networking events or just network with everyone around you. If there are any clubs or organizations that relates to your field of interest, be sure to join them and get to know people. You could possibly meet some who could reference you to a particular hiring company or meet a recruiter.
- Going Directly To A Specific Company – You can go directly to a company that you may be interested in and ask the hirer if the company is hiring at the moment. If so, the hirer may give you details on how to apply.
- Online – This is probably the biggest marketplace for finding a job. You can Google search anything from “Looking for job in xyz” to “Companies that are hiring in xyz.” There are tons of ways to find out online what companies may be hiring and find out the contact information of a job recruiter. There are also The Recruiter Network, an online company that allows you to create a profile and post your resume online so recruiters can find you.
Getting In Contact and Applying
- Before you meet and get in contact with a recruiter with a company, make you sure you have researched the company thoroughly and know what services, products, or business they provide. You want to know this because you must be creative in the way you present your skillset and word your resume, so that it is in a way you can prove that you will benefit the company. Companies are never looking for what benefits you, they are always looking for what benefits them. Remember that.
- When you first meet and get in contact with a job recruiter, you always want to make a good first impression. If you are meeting and getting in contact with a recruiter in person, make sure you are dressed professionally, no matter what the job entails. Be confident and give them a firm handshake, look them in the eyes, and smile.
- Now, since you have already researched the company of the recruiter you are dealing with, relay that information by saying something along the lines of “I have researched your company and know that you provide xyz. I have done xyz and convey xyz skillsets that will prove beneficial to the production of your company.” Always offer value to the company.
- Now, hand the recruiter your resume and exchange information. You always want to be sure to get the recruiters information, just in case you have not heard from them and need to follow-up.
Now, a week have went by and you have not heard from the recruiter you have gotten in contact with in person or online. You want to always be sure to follow-up with the recruiter after initial contact if you have not heard from them. This shows determination and persistence which can help increase your chances of getting hired.
Sending an email is the best way to get in contact with a recruiter because it will leave a paper trail and you have the chance to re-send your resume in case they have forgotten about you. Calling them may be a bad idea because recruiters are usually very busy during their working hours and emailing them gives them time to look at your status. Calling a recruiter may also catch them off-guard, and they may not have the sufficient amount of time to look up your information. This could potentially turn into a game of phone-tag.
Also, try not to bend a knee trying to meet-up with the recruiter again or contacting them. This is a sign of desperation and recruiters don’t like any signs of desperation. You must act like you are a hot commodity in a sense, not like no one is willing to hire you.
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Responding To Job Recruiters After Getting Noticed Online
So, you have posted your resume online and now you have a recruiter knocking at door. They have emailed you and may be looking to hire you or most likely, interview you. Here are some things you need to do to make sure you keep the good impression you have sent from your online profile and resume.
- Respect their time and respond promptly: After receiving their intial email, make sure you respond within 24 hours and be sure to thank them for the consideration. The recruiter should show you the same respect to maximize the potential relationship. It’s important to keep that same initial impression.
- Respectfully tell them you are no longer looking for a job: The recruiter may have emailed you after you have landed another job that you are interested in. Be sure to still be courteous and respectfully decline. You still want to try and keep some type of good impression and relationship with the recruiter because as we all know, jobs can be lost. You may want to get in contact with the recruiter again for the position at a later date.
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