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4 Ways to Deal with Extreme Sadness

Have you ever considered any possible way of dealing with sadness? No matter how enthusiastic and happy you are naturally, you will definitely experience some moments of sadness in your life, and for this reason, it is critical to learn how to deal with sadness.

4 Ways to Deal with Extreme Sadness
Ways to Deal with Extreme Sadness

Why do we feel sad? Sadness is a common emotion we all feel. It is caused by several factors. However, the factors responsible for sadness can be zeroed into one, “the inability to get what we want.” We experience sadness anytime we are not able to get the things we desire, or when things fail to play out the way we want them to play out. According to Macmillan dictionary, sadness is simply defined as:

 “A feeling of being unhappy, especially because something bad has happened.”

The main cause of sadness as indicated above reveals the fact that sadness is inevitable, because we are all full of desires, and whether we like it or not, it is not possible for all our desires to come true, or for things, situations and events to always be as we want them to be, Read more: 5 Steps Formula to Install a New Habit


4 Ways to Deal with Extreme Sadness

Generally most people feel sad when they are rejected by their loved ones, when they lose a loved one through death, when they lose their job, when they are not able to achieve their goals, when they are unable to solve their problems, when they experience adversity and so on. Read also: 4 Tips to Stop Worrying About What Others Think of You

The opinion suggested here are strictly my own ways of handling with sadness. I understand we all have one thing in common, and that which we have in common is humanity. I assume based on that fact, that if they work for me, they will likely or definitely work for you.

Here are the strategies:


1. Accept things as they are:

Just as a stated above, the main cause of sadness is dissatisfaction with reality. You must realize that life is not meant to consistently be rosy. Things are not meant to keep working in your favor. Just as we have day and night, light and darkness, male and female, you are designed to experience both happiness and sadness. None of the two experiences is better than the other. Though, one is pleasant, they both impart our lives in unique ways.

The first important step to take in dealing with sadness is to accept whatever is the source of the sadness as part of life. Never judge it as evil. Whatever happens to you in life is designed for your overall development. Let go of the “what ifs”, and regrets. Learn as much as you can from the event. If you felt you made a mistake, learn from your mistake and let the event be. It is a waste of time and mental energy to feel miserable about the unchangeable past. The right thing to do is to put it behind you. Rabbi Hyman S. said,

“Happiness is not having what you want (like). It is wanting (liking) what you have.”


2. Show gratitude:

One of the ways to deal with extreme sadness is to show gratitude. We feel sad when things fail to play out as we want or when we are unable to get that which we want. Whatever maybe the case for you, you should learn to be grateful for other good things in your life. Be grateful for the gift of life, for your health, for your family, for the loving relationships in your life and the hope for a future.

No matter how bad things are for you, there must be certain things left in your life that are worth being grateful for. A popular adage says, “If you know how to think, you will know how to give thanks.” Anytime you feel sad and hopeless, consider the good things in your life.

 3. Focus on solution:

As humans, we are easily tempted to dwell in self-pity, depression and sadness when things fail to play out as we desire. It is good to grief and be sad over whatever loss or failure you have encountered, but it is not good to allow your grief and sadness to linger for too long. The energy you expend in sadness, anxiety, worry and self-pity can never create any positive result in your life. For this reason, after your grief, sorrow or sadness, you must learn to put the past behind you, and think of how to move forward. Consider your past mistakes, learn from them and resolve never to repeat them.

Read more: How To Stay In A Positive State When Dealing With Negativity

Spend a large portion of your time, thinking and working out solutions for your problem. That is how you can create a new and positive outcome in your life. When you get the kind of result you want, your mind will automatically shift from the feeling of sadness or sorrow to that of happiness. However, if your source of sadness is not result-based such as the death of a loved one, then you have to accept it in good faith as the inevitability of life, and move on. 


4. Talk to somebody:

One of the most effective ways of dealing with extreme sadness is talking to someone you trust or have confidence in. When you are in a sad mood, you are alone with your own thoughts, and your own perspective of the source of your sadness. The more you keep your thoughts to yourself, the more you ruminate over the incident that triggers your sadness, the heavier your heart will be. One way to offload such a burden from your heart is by discussing the event with someone you trust.

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By talking to a confidant, you give yourself the opportunity to have a different view of the situation. In most cases, the new perspective will help you to easily let go of whatever circumstances is responsible to your sadness. A good confident will encourage you to cheer up and help you see that what has happened is no big deal. A good session or chat with a trusted friend can get you off your sad mood. If you are sad as you read this, and having issue with getting over it, look for someone you trust in your circle of friends and discuss the trigger of your sadness with him or her. I am persuaded you will get better.


Watch the video about Ways to Deal with Extreme Sadness

Over to you

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