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Hire Yourself: Save A Buck And Do That Project on your own

Let's be honest, before the internet the idea of doing any kind of home repair or project seemed like a daunting task. However in today's world, there is so much information which leads to reasons why you should hire yourself.

Hire Yourself: Save A Buck And Do That Project on your own

Now I am not suggesting you put a dormer on your home yourself lol. Unless of course you feel you can. But the fact of the matter is there are a lot of projects you may feel are too hard, which isn't the case.

If you are anything like I was for a majority of my life, than you certainly hire people for even the smallest of tasks.

In this article we will break down why you should tell your handyman to hold off on that project.

Fear of failure

This is the main reason why most of us would never even entertain doing something we are not familiar with ourselves. I know for a long time I couldn't get myself to do what now seem like the simplest things.

The limiting beliefs we have about ourselves is what holds us back from ever trying something new.

So how do we push past these obstacles we place on ourselves? ←←← Well one of the main reasons is in this question. WE PUT THESE OBSTACLES ON OURSELVES!!

We are our own biggest hurdles. Everything starts with what we "think" we can do, not what we can actually do.

Remember, to fail is to learn. The real failure is not trying. If you try something and you do it wrong, you learn what not to do for next time.

How Will You Know When To Hire Yourself?

The first thing you should figure out when attempting to hire yourself to do a project is what you will need to get it done. If it is anything you might require a bulldozer for, or any other large type of equipment, it's probably an indicator to hire someone.

We are talking about manageable projects, unless you are more advanced of course. I'm sure there are some smaller projects in the past that you have thought to yourself, man I could do this myself.

Here is an example, I recently power washed and stained my deck. Now in the past I never would have attempted to do this myself. But why pay someone to do something I can do myself?

It did not come out perfect. But it looks pretty darn good, and I now know for next time what to do differently.

How did I know how to do this? I looked it up on the internet. You can google anything today and you will find step by step videos on anything you can think of.

If you do not own a computer or are not good with the internet, this may be more challenging, but I would suggest asking a friend who does. You can also go down to the local library, there are plenty of do it yourself books too. Say to yourself Say to yourself " I Can", remove the T from Can't.

Popular DIY Websites:

 Do It This site pretty much has it all. They are number one when it comes to do it yourself projects. You can find a very wide array of topics for home improvement and many other topics.


  • DIY Network: These guys will guide you with all that they know about doing it yourself, from step by step instructions, to advice . You may have seen them on television also.
  • Youtube: You can literally find almost any do it yourself video on any topic. A lot of these are not professionals, while some are. Most of them are people like you and me who do something and than show how they did it.
  • Better Homes and Gardens: Customize your home , apartment , condo and much more with do it yourself decorating. whether you are a beginner or not the pros at bhg will give you step by step tips on how to transform your space.


These are just a few of the many tools that are available to guide you when you hire yourself.

When we learn to trust in ourselves, there is a world of talent that can be uncovered at any time.

If something does not come out perfect, it's ok. You will have learned something which holds great value in itself.

Remember to be smart when deciding to do a project. Make sure it is something you will be able to handle, but at the same time do not under estimate yourself.

When you finish your project, soak it in. It is quite rewarding and you owe it to yourself.

Don't forget to use all the free knowledge that is there for our taking, whether it be on the internet or at the library.

And last, don't be afraid to try, you may be surprised of what you are capable of. In fact I guarantee you will be.


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